Home » Patient Info » Day of Surgery Instructions
Take your usual blood pressure or heart medications first thing in the morning with a sip of water. DO NOT take diuretics (water pill) or diabetic medications.
Leave all valuables at home.
Do not wear contact lenses or body jewelry.
Bring eyeglasses, hearing aids or dentures as needed.
Bring any x-rays or MRI’s you may have.
Bring a list of your current medications, times taken, dosages, as well as a list of allergies to medications, foods, or other substances.
Bring reading materials: delays are not uncommon on the operating room, we appreciate your patience. If you wish, bring your cell phone which will be placed in a locked cabinet with your personal belongings during surgery.
Wear casual, loose fitting clothes so that it will be easy to dress when you return home.
Dr. McCann, the Anesthesiologist, and the Operating Room Nurse will meet with you in the holding area before surgery. Where you will sign various consents for surgery and anesthesia.
If you are having ambulatory surgery and going home the same day of the procedure, you must designate an adult escort to bring you home. Your escort may wait in the waiting room or can stay at home/work and wait for Dr. McCann’s call after surgery informing your escort that surgery went well and that you will be able to leave the ambulatory center in 60-90 minutes, depending on your condition. Your escort should be within one hour comminuting distance from the ambulatory center.
You will be given Ambulatory Discharge Instructions upon leaving, and Dr. McCann will call you the following morning to check on your condition. At that time, you will make a follow up appointment in 10-14 days. If you have any problems during the night, you should call Dr. McCann’s office, 646-665-6784, and he will return your call promptly.
You will be evaluated by the Orthopedic Resident the night of surgery and Dr. McCann will evaluate you early the following morning. The majority of patients are ready to go home the day following surgery. Discharge time is 11 AM. You will be given detailed Discharge Instructions by your nurse upon leaving the hospital.
Dr. McCann’s office manager will call you on the afternoon of discharge or the following morning to check on your condition and schedule a post-operative visit in 10 – 14 days. If you have any problems at home, you should call Dr. McCann’s office, 646-665-6784, and he will return your call promptly.
Generally speaking, ambulatory patients may return to office work and drive a car when narcotic pain medications are no longer required, usually 2-5 days after surgery.
Patients who have required hospitalization generally have more extensive operations and may require narcotics for a longer period of time, but rarely beyond 10 – 14 days. Driving and return to office work should not be considered prior to the first post-operative visit.